Picture yourself in school; you’re in the lunch room. There are different social groups. There is always the "jocks”, the "nerds" the "dorks", and the "outcasts or greasers". When we picture a lunch room, this is commonly what we think of, the jocks all at a table together, wearing their warm up jackets, name brand clothes, and their uniform. We also see the nerds; some people like to picture them wearing suspenders and plaid shirts, and clothes for department stores. People like to picture the dorks wearing clothes from Wal-Mart, their hair is a little greasy and uncombed, but did we ever stop to think, "Dose any of this matter?" Who cares what clothes their wearing, and what sports they play or don’t play. This lunch room is a lot like our country, we have different social groups, religions, and races, but why can’t they be mixed together at one lunch table, why do they have to be a different tables?
Racism is an extreme problem in our country, we say that racism is gone, but is it truly? Sure slavery is dead in our country, but is racism. Racism can be anything, its bullying someone of a different race. It exists all over our country, and in different ways, in the places we live, in the way we live out our lives, and in the jobs we have. Our country was founded for religious freedom, but yet we treat people of other religions poorly. About 78% of American’s are Christian. Even the president of our country publicly goes to a Christian Church. If someone has different beliefs then you, should you treat them differently? No, just look beyond the differences, and treat them how you want to be treated.
Everybody has differences, but do we need to point them out, no. We can live our lives without looking at race or religion. Our country is a place of freedom, and it should be a place of freedom for everyone, after all, we are the land of the free!