Friday, March 25, 2011

Free Will

Do you think every one has free will?Why or why not? How did you form your opinion?

I don't think everyone has free will. Our country is very fornicate that we strive for freedom, but others, not so much. Within our country there also are people that dont have free will. There life is determined by parents,peers, and location. Though if you fight for what you want, its always possible. People say that peer pressure can take away your freedom, your right to choose; I disagree, you selected them to be your peers, you asked for it. Parents can often keep us from freedom; always nagging, planing your future, and commanding you. They want you to be just like them, follow in there foot steps, and live through you. Personally I've learned this. My mom is always telling me to go practice soccer, to try harder. I play soccer because I love the game, and if I am able to play after high school, I'll be very happy. I don't want to be just like my mom, the high school gymnast.

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